Citrix Cleanup Utility Workspace

Protocol Driver Error/Error 1046 is an issue related to the client (Receiver) not being able to create a connection to the server after an application is launched. Messages such as “Your version of Citrix Receiver does not support selected encryption” are generated when this issue occurs.

Go to Start Control Panel Programs and Features Select the Citrix Receiver or Workspace app and click uninstall. Now run the Citrix Clean Up Utility After you have downloaded the file extract or unzip it. Run the Citrix clean up utility. The Citrix Workspace app desktop clean-up tool allows you to delete the desktop shortcuts that remain after you uninstall Citrix Workspace app for Windows (Store). The Citrix Workspace app desktop clean-up tool is available for download from here.You can run this tool using the command line interface.

There are various reasons that Protocol Driver Error/Error 1046 could be generated, ranging from the client through to the Citrix hosting infrastructure. Below are several troubleshooting recommendations on what to try to resolve quickly.

How to ResolveProtocol Driver Error/Error 1046


The first thing to do when you get a Protocol Driver Error/Error 1046 is to verify Citrix Receiver/Workspace is upgraded to the latest version if possible or the latest version that has been validated in the destination environment.


If upgrading receiver doesn’t help, or if the latest version is already running on the affected workstation, next recommendation would be to perform a full uninstall of receiver utilizing the Citrix Receiver Cleanup Utility available at the following link: . Once receiver is fully uninstalled, reboot the workstation and then reinstall the appropriate version of Citrix Receiver/Workspace.

Note, if version 1909 or later of Citrix Workspace is being utilized, the installer can perform the appropriate cleanup steps so that the Citrix Receiver Cleanup Utility is no longer needed. Instead, utilize the/forceinstallcommand line switch when running the Workspace installer:CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /forceinstall.

Recommendation #3: Exchange server for mac os.

If the/forceinstallswitch doesn’t fix the Protocol Driver Error/Error 1046 issue, the Cleanup Utility may still be something to try as even with versions 1909 and greater of Workspace there may be remnants of older/corrupt installations that may affect performance.

If the workstation is still exhibiting the issue, next verify that the following Registry key is set to True:

  • Key location: HKLMSOFTWAREWow6432NodePoliciesCitrixICA ClientEngineLockdown ProfilesAll RegionsLockdownLogonLocal Credentials
  • String Name (REG_SZ): LegacyLocalUserNameAndPassword
  • Data: True

Test again.

Recommendation #4:

If the problem persists, try increasing the following timeout values in the registry:

  • Key location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432nodeCitrixICA Client
  • Value Name (REG_DWORD): VdLoadUnLoadTimeOut
  • Data (in Decimal): 5

The default for VdLoadUnLoadTimeOut is 1 second, this increases it to 5 seconds. Attempt reconnection. If the problem persists, try increasing this value to 10, 15, and 20 to see if the issue continues.

Note, the above registry locations are valid for 64-bit versions of Windows. For more information or for the Registry values for 32-bit versions of Windows, check Citrix’s article at

About Goliath Technologies

At Goliath we are passionate about helping IT Pros quickly troubleshoot and resolve end-user performance issues within their Citrix or VMware Horizon environment. To achieve this, we offer software to monitor and troubleshoot end-user experiences to anticipate, troubleshoot, and document performance issues. Visit ourGoliath Performance Monitorproduct page to learn how software can reduce the time you spend troubleshooting end-user experience issues.

30 Minutes with Troubleshooting Expert

downloadWhy can't I download this file?
The Administrators used Citrix Receiver Cleanup Utility while installing the full administrator version of Workspace App.
Can see the following in the AuthManager logs:
Tue Feb 5 13:06:09 2019 Err : Failed to create the AuthManSvrLib::AuthManager CoClass ({0579B1B3-3F62-4E7B-9169-C7E112E2F151});
Tue Feb 5 13:06:09 2019 Err : AddAuthManager Caught unexpected COM HRESULT code 2147654730 while creating / setting up new auth manager.
Tue Feb 5 13:06:09 2019 Err : CitrixAuthManagerSDK::AMImplementationV1::CreateConnection failed with thread worker returning 2147654730
Tue Feb 5 13:06:09 2019 Err : CitrixAuthManagerSDK::AMImplementationV1::CreateConnection: caught COM error 2147654730


Solution 1:
Deleting/resetting the local Windows profile.

Citrix Receiver Cleanup Windows 10

Solution 2Citrix workspace desktop cleanup utilityCitrix receiver cleanup tool download:

If an user installs Citrix Receiver/Workspace App (not elevated/per-user install) and then uninstall it using Receiver Clean-up Utility (running as an administrator/elevated), while the regular user is still logged in and has their profile loaded.
The below is a high-level list of Receiver related entries that may be left behind in the registry, verify them and clear the registries:

  • HKCUSoftwareClasses* – File Associations and COM object registrations
  • HKCUSoftwareClassesAppID* – AppID registrations
  • HKCUSoftwareClassesApplications* – More app registrations
  • HKCUSoftwareClasses* – COM object registrations
  • HKCUSoftwareClassesCLSID* – MANY COM class object GUIDs
  • HKCUSoftwareClassesWOW6432NodeCLSID* – MANY COM class object GUIDs (32-bit)
  • HKCUSoftwareClassesInterface* – MANY interface name to interface ID mappings
  • HKCUSoftwareClassesWOW6432NodeInterface* – MANY interface name to interface ID mappings (32-bit)
  • HKCUSoftwareClassesMIMEDatabaseContent Type* – x-ica MIME types
  • HKCUSoftwareClassesPROTOCOLSFilter* – Protocol filter handlers
  • HKCUSoftwareClassesRecord*
  • HKCUSoftwareClassesTypeLib*
  • HKCUSOFTWAREMozillaPlugins* – Firefox plugin registrations
  • HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInstallerProducts – MSI installer product codes
For reference: Utility
You may have to clear the entries as shown in the below screenshot:
Incorrectly editing/deleting the registry may render your system inoperable - requiring the re-installation of Windows. Please take a backup of the registry key hive before editing/removing keys.

Problem Cause

Citrix Workspace Desktop Cleanup Utility

Registry keys not getting properly removed while using Citrix Receiver Clean-up Utility


Citrix Cleanup Utility Windows 10

Caution! Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that might require you to reinstall your operating system. Citrix cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Be sure to back up the registry before you edit it.