- Va Copayment 2021
- Does The Va Charge A Copay
- Va Copayment Billing
- Does Medicare Cover Va Copays
- Pay Va Medical Bill Online
On April 6, VA stopped sending monthly copay billing statements. The suspension applied only to Veterans who had copayments for medical care or prescriptions. It will run until Dec. Unless otherwise directed, VA will resume sending out monthly copay patient statements beginning in. Billing & Insurance. Attention Veterans with co-pays. Please read this important information concerning recent monthly co-pay suspensions. On April 6, VA stopped sending monthly copay billing statements. The suspension applied only to Veterans who had copayments for medical care or prescriptions. It will run until Dec.

On April 6, VHA stopped printing and mailing monthly patient statements. VA understands that COVID-19 has negatively affected some Veterans. As a result, VA will not charge interest or add administrative charges, and will halt collection actions on medical care debt until at least December 31, 2020.
Monthly patient statements may resume in January 2021. The statements will include copayments for medical care and prescriptions received since patient statements were suspended, in addition to unpaid copayment charges prior to April 2020.
In November 2020, Veterans with a balance on their accounts will receive an information-only letter that will state that balance and will contain information on how to make a payment, if the Veterans choose to do so. Staff will also make calls to Veterans with balances greater than $2,000.
Veterans can make voluntary payments while statements are suspended. Veterans will need their account number to access their balance and other related information.
You can get an account balance by:
- Calling 866-400-1238.
- Calling the facility revenue office at your local VA Medical Center.
- Consulting the letter VA will mail to Veterans in November 2020 which will include a current account balance.
Methods to pay
Methods by which a Veteran can pay on a balance:
- pay.gov.
- By phone at 888-827-4817; Veteran must have account number.
- By mail, to: Department of Veterans Affairs, PO Box 3978, Portland, OR 97208-3978.
Debt relief options are always available to Veterans. They include:
- Set up a repayment plan.
- Request a waiver, write off or compromise of your debt.
- Request a VA Hardship Determination.
For more information, visit https://www.va.gov/health-care/pay-copay-bill/financial-hardship/ or contact a VA medical center billing office.
Wednesday, November 4, 2020 1:53 pmVeterans might start seeing letters from the VA about the resumption of the collection of copays as early as Monday.
The letter is information only and is not an invoice.

The main points of the letter are:
Va Copayment 2021
Currently, the VA plans to resume collections on co-pays in January. If a veteran's bill was 90-days old as of the March statement those bills are likely to be sent to federal collections. Once the bill goes there, money owed might be recouped from other federal payments made to the veteran. To avoid that, those veterans, if able, may pay the bill by calling 888-827-4817. If those veterans are not able to pay that 90-day bill, they may call (866) 802-6381 to set up a payment plan.
Veterans who were already working on a payment plan are encouraged to update the payment plan before January by calling 888-827-4817.
Late fees were not assessed during the suspension of collection, but will also resume January.
Bills under 90 days may be paid before January also. Veterans will need to know the current amount owed and billing account number in order to pay bills in the four pay options that are offered by the VA. Veterans may call 888-827-4817 to receive account numbers and pay their bills. If that line is busy, veterans may call at 866-400-1238 OPTION 3 to get the amount owed and, if needed, their account numbers.
If a Veteran is unable to make payments when billing starts again in January, he or she can call 866-400-1238 or 844-698-2311 (TTY: 711) to get help with debt relief options. Learn more about requesting financial hardship assistance. Watch a video about financial hardship options.
Also some bill paying options at the VA are requiring e-mails to pay bills. Veterans needing assistance in setting up e-mail accounts should see their county veteran service officer. CVSOs can be located by going to veterans.arkansas.gov and using the “Find your ADVAcate” tool.
If a Veteran has questions about his or her bill or needs to set up a repayment plan he or she should call (866)802-6381.
According to the VA:
1. Veterans do NOT have to pay it in one lump sum.
2. The actual bills/statements are not supposed to be released until January 2021.
3. If a Veteran wants to start paying down the bill before then, he or she can do so in whatever amount.
4. Repayment plans will be offered to all. However, this will require current means tests and submission of the application form.
Not long after the pandemic took hold, VA announced that it would temporarily suspend copay bill mailings.

- Since April 6, 2020, monthly copay patient statements have been on hold. Statements will resume in January 2021.
- Veterans do not need to make any copay payments until January 2021.
- In January 2021, Veterans may receive a patient statement that may include the total amount of any:
- New copaycharges for medical care and prescriptions received from April 6 through December 31, 2020.
- Unpaid copay charges for medical care and prescriptions received before April 2020.
- Veterans may make payments before January 2021. Click HERE to learn how to pay VA copays.
- If a Veteran uses a Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Savings Account (FSA) to pay copays, he or she should contact the company that manages their account for information and direction on payment schedules.
If a Veteran is unable to make payments when billing starts again, he or she can call 866-400-1238 or 844-698-2311 (TTY: 711) to get help with debt relief options. Learn more about requesting financial hardship assistance. Watch a video about financial hardship options.
You need to pay your full VA copay bill balance by the due date on your billing statement to avoid late charges, interest, or collection actions. Find out how to make a payment—and what to do if you're having trouble making payments or you disagree with your bill.
Does The Va Charge A Copay
We can help with your questions about debt and other financial concerns
Get the latest information about concerns like managing VA debt, or paying your VA copays or VA-backed home loan during this time.
Go to our coronavirus FAQs
How do I pay my VA copay bill?
You can pay your bill in any of these 4 ways:
Va Copayment Billing
Pay directly from your bank account or by debit or credit card on the secure Pay.gov website.
By phone
Call us at 888-827-4817. Be sure to have your account number ready.

Does Medicare Cover Va Copays
By mail
Send your payment stub, along with a check or money order made payable to 'VA,' to the address below. Be sure to include your account number on the check or money order.
Department of Veterans Affairs
PO Box 3978
Portland, OR 97208-3978
In person
Visit your nearest VA medical center, and ask for the agent cashier's office. Bring your payment stub, along with a check or money order made payable to “VA.” Be sure to include your account number on the check or money order.
Pay Va Medical Bill Online
Note: We can deposit your check through either a one-time electronic funds transfer or as a check transaction. If we make an electronic funds transfer, your bank may withdraw the funds from your account on the same day as we process your payment and you won't receive your check back from your bank.
If you need help understanding your patient statement
- Call us at 866-400-1238. We're here Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET.
- Or visit your nearest VA medical center or other health facility and ask to talk with a member of the facility's revenue staff.