
I was recently selected to be able to beta test SpriteIlluminator by CodeAndWeb. SpriteIlluminator helps you add dynamic lighting to your mobile games by helping you create a normal map to add to your sprite.

Since the majority of my mobile games are created using Corona SDK, I’m going to cover how to get started integrating SpriteIlluminator into that.

The first thing you’ll do is import a sprite into SpriteIlluminator. Here I just quickly drew a guy for this demo.

It looks like the Qt library in the official repository is missing an object symbol that SpriteIlluminator is using. For this reason we have to keep the bundled library instead of using the official one which accounts for the package bloat in size. Poqudrof commented on 2018-03-15 17:14. SpriteIlluminator is a complex yet user-friendly software solution that was created to help you add dynamic lighting to your designs, aimed specifically at sprites, which are characters used in. CodeAndWeb supports independent developers with a 50% discount for 1 license of TexturePacker, SpriteIlluminator and/or PhysicsEditor. You qualify for this discount if you are a single developer with a yearly revenue below $100.000. SpriteIlluminator can generate normal maps for your 2d game and web projects. NVIDIA Texture Tools Exporter The NVIDIA Texture Tools Exporter allows users to create highly compressed texture files - that stay small both on disk and in memory - directly from image sources using NVIDIA’s CUDA-accelerated Texture Tools 3.0 compressor technology. This exporter combines four texture tools in a single plugin and standalone application, including flexible and powerful.

Next you can add the various effects, such as bevel and embossing.

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Spriteilluminator Crack

Download office for mac os x. You can drag the light source around and see how your sprites will look in real-time, which is very helpful. You can also use the lasso tool to select certain portions of the sprite and add effects just to that part.

When you’re finished, you can publish out the project and it will create your normal map file.

In this example, I beveled the sprite and then raised the shirt sleeve, nose, and eyes to make them stand out. Then in SublimeText, I created a main.lua file and did a composite of both the sprite and its normal map. Here you can see how a light source reacts to the sprite.

If you set the attenuationFactor to 0, you can see the portions are the image that I beveled and raised in SpriteIlluminator.

And if you reverse the order of the sprite and its normal map, you can see the beveled image.

SpriteIlluminator is a very easy-to-use and powerful tool to help add some nice dynamic lighting effects to your games. This is obviously a very basic example of what it can do, but hopefully it’s enough to get you started in integrating it in your Corona SDK apps.

Package Details: spriteilluminator 1.5.4-2


Package Actions

  • View PKGBUILD / View Changes
Git Clone URL: https://aur.archlinux.org/spriteilluminator.git (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: spriteilluminator
Description: Tool for creating Normal Maps, also known as Dot3 Bump Maps, which generate a 2.5D effect in different game engines including Cocos2D-X
Upstream URL: http://www.codeandweb.com/spriteilluminator
Licenses: custom:spriteilluminator
Submitter: Rubonnek
Maintainer: None
Last Packager: ragouel
Votes: 4
Popularity: 0.000000
First Submitted: 2016-01-06 00:54
Last Updated: 2020-05-19 15:05

Dependencies (10)

  • desktop-file-utils(desktop-file-utils-git)
  • gcc-libs-multilib (gcc-libs-multilib-x32, gcc-libs-multilib-git, gcc-libs-git, gcc-libs)
  • grantlee(grantlee-git)
  • hicolor-icon-theme(hicolor-icon-theme-git)
  • qt5-imageformats(qt5-imageformats-git)
  • qt5-quickcontrols(qt5-quickcontrols-git)
  • qt5-quickcontrols2(qt5-quickcontrols2-git)
  • qt5-svg(qt5-svg-git)
  • qt5-wayland(qt5-wayland-git, qt5-wayland-hybris, qt5-wayland-dev-backport-git, qt5-wayland-bugfixport-git)
  • qt5-xmlpatterns(qt5-xmlpatterns-git)

Sources (1)

Rubonnek commented on 2018-03-15 18:54

Thanks for reporting this -- I didn't have time to test this package until now and I can confirm this issue.

Map Generator 2d

It looks like the Qt library in the official repository is missing an object symbol that SpriteIlluminator is using.

For this reason we have to keep the bundled library instead of using the official one which accounts for the package bloat in size.

Pixel Art Normal Map

Poqudrof commented on 2018-03-15 17:14

Hello, I have a problem with QT when I want to run it.

I gues the QT version is not compatible, any idea ?

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Spriteilluminator Key

--- result:/usr/bin/./lib/spriteilluminator/SpriteIlluminator: relocation error:

Spriteilluminator Tutorial

/usr/bin/./lib/spriteilluminator/SpriteIlluminator: symbol

_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE9_M_createERmm, version Qt_5 not defined in file libQt5Qml.so.5 with link time reference

EDIT: I have this version installed: libQt5Qml.so.5.10.1